Poppy is a flowering plant in the subfamily Papaveroideae of the family Papaveraceae. Poppies are herbaceous plants, often grown for their colorful flowers.

Poppies are those wildflowers that catch your eye when you see them. Since the end of May, he has started appearing in the fields. You may have never seen the excellent poppy fields quickly taking over large portions of land. Even if many consider them invasive, they add a splash of color.
The fields are perfect and perfect for a special foo session that will remain an unforgettable memory.

Most people who love gardening grow at least one poppy species. If you are lucky and have more space, you can only make an entire glade with poppies. It is not necessary to plant many because due to the multitude of seeds they have, they will spread very quickly and will sow themselves, and next year we will have a lot of poppies.

Poppy Care

The poppy loves the sun so it will grow best in bright soil. The soil should be well-drained and slightly sandy. They like moderate fears; they will not withstand the tremendous heat. Also, their root is pivotal, making it difficult to transplant them. It is best to sprinkle poppy seeds and let them grow where we want, and then we can thin them if there are too many.

It is essential that after the flowers have been asked to be allowed to ripen until they turn black, then we can harvest them to keep them.

Poppy significance

Poppy flowers can be said to be some ancient flowers that have acquired a specific significance over time. It is said that these were the first flowers that appeared after the end of a battle on the battlefield. After the whole battlefield is devastated and after the war, the poppy has the power to be reborn. We could say that it symbolizes the ability to move forward. It is said that the whites appeared after the battles of the First World War. What could be more beautiful than their appearance as a sign of world peace? The red poppy symbolizes those people who died defending their homeland.

Types of poppies

Oriental poppy
The best known is the oriental poppy. It belongs to the perennial plants, which appear in June-July and can be red, orange, or salmon.
When we see a chain of poppies, we will know for sure that it is the word of oriental poppies.

Flanders Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)

The Flemish poppy is one of the oldest species of wild poppy, which is said to have appeared in the First World War and thus became a symbol of war.

Iceland Poppy

Another species of a poppy is the Icelandic or arctic poppy, which is harder to grow as it prefers northern climates. It can be yellow, white, or salmon.

Breadseed Poppy (Papaver somniferum)

This species of a poppy is one with various uses. We can cultivate it as an ornamental plant to beautify our gardens with shades of red, purple, or pink.
Also, from this species of poppy, we can use edible seeds in various dishes.
It is also used to obtain opium and opium-based medicines. One important thing to know is that if you want to grow this species of poppy, you should consult the authorities to give your consent.

Carnation Poppy (Papaver laciniatum)

Another species of poppy, which is one of the most beautiful, in my opinion, is the carnation poppy. Why is it called that?
They are made up of many lapping petals, forming a circle. They are very straightforward to cultivate; practically after the flowers have passed and the seeds are form created shake themselves, and thus they will sprout again next year. This species of poppy was cultivated in my garden, and I can tell you that it was light to look at. It can have colo lilac, pink, or even coral.

Ca colorslifornia Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)

Rarely, but it seems that there are also species of yellow poppy, such as the California poppy. It is said that this flower was first seen by J.F. Eschscholtz, who was on board a ship. This species is very widespread in southwestern regions of the United States.

Peony Poppy (Papaver paeoniflorum)

If we like peonies, we should have peony poppy in our garden. According to its name, it has nothing to attract us to beautify our garden. The difference between peonies and peonies is that the least bloom is only in a safe season.

Poppy seeds benefits

Poppy seeds are rich in nutrients and antioxidants

Poppy seeds are high in fiber and healthy fats. Most importantly, they are a great source of manganese, which is essential for the health of our bones and blood clotting.

Increase fertility

One of the benefits of poppy seeds is fertility; they help increase it. Women who cannot get pregnant quickly may consume poppy seeds that help remove mucus from the fallopian tubes.

Helps relieve pain
Since ancient times, poppy seeds have been used as a natural painkiller to relieve pain. Due to the existence of opium, it can help relieve severe pain.

Development of cognitive functions

It often happens that our cognitive function is not so developed, or we would like to improve it. That’s why there are iron-rich poppy seeds that help the blood purify and thus increase oxygen levels for every part of the body, including the brain.

Helps digestion
More often, we face digestive problems, and one of the best known is constipation. Thus, it is good to eat poppy seeds due to their fiber level to prevent this.

I hope that with this article, we have brought to your attention information that you did not know about but want to find out to help you grow these plants that offer you multiple benefits.

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