With the arrival of spring, we begin to step into our garden to bring it back to life. I will give you some tips that I apply to have a thriving spring garden.
It is known that after the cold season’s many leaves, twigs, and other things gather that have not deteriorated in these months and practically form a carpet in our garden, covering the spring flowers that are beginning to grow. Every year, I remove everything gathered to allow the flowers to rise to breathe and the sun to reach them, usually to raise the remnants of the remaining leaves. That is the first tip!

The second tip I can give you is to fertilize the spring flower bulbs that appear in our garden this season. Everyone knows that fertilization is an essential aspect of growing as much as possible—beautiful of our flowers. So when I was visiting my grandfather, I took advantage of the fact that he has compost that he makes from animal and plant waste. I will tell you that it is an ideal, organic one that offers significant fertilization. You can also find compost in the store, or if you have animal farms near your house, you can take it from there.

The third tip is about digging spring flowers in the garden. This step should only be done when we know that all the flowers in our garden have sprouted to avoid destroying others that have not yet grown. This step is much related to the one with flower fertilization. Once we sprinkle compost over the flowers, we have to combine the soil with the compost to penetrate as close as possible to the flower bulbs to help them grow as beautiful as possible.

A fourth tip is to water the flowers in our garden. If we have not had much rainfall essential for growing flowers, we must intervene in watering the garden as much as necessary.
Watering the flowers in the garden is very important, essential in their flowering.

The fifth tip I can give you is about pests. Check the garden very well, and if you find pests that have withstood the cold seasons, you should remove them.
There are many methods, even natural ones, for removing pests, and it remains up to everyone to find and apply what they want.
In addition to snails, gargle larvae, vines, worms that can bring through the compost that we put in the spring of the flowers, we must also take care of the animals in our yard that could very quickly destroy the garden.

I hope that these tips will be helpful and that you will have a garden full of flowers that will delight your soul.