Pumpkin Flower Arrangement

The autumn season has taken over us with everything that is most beautiful. How can we better capture the colors of this beautiful season than with a floral arrangement? As we well know, autumn is the season in which pumpkins come to life and surprise us with the most atypical colors and shapes.

Then, I say to make the most of them, whether we make the most diverse recipes or integrate them into a beautiful floral arrangement.

Thus, I focused on making a floral arrangement to restore some of the warm days of this beautiful season.

It is very easy to do, and what will come out will be something that will surely attract the eyes of those around you.

Materials Required:

•           a pumpkin, you can use any color and shape that attracts you

Tap and Tricks! To give as much shine as possible, you can also use a spray paint

•           a florist foam

I would give you a little advice to put the florist foam in a bag before putting it in the pumpkin so that the water in it does not spoil the pumpkin quickly.

•           flowers: I used fall mums, roses, dried flowers, ivy, gypsophila, tuberose, leaves, dusty miller.

•           garden shears

•           carving knife and spoon

How To:

1.         First, we have to cut the pumpkin and clean it of seeds

2.         The second step is to prepare the florist foam. It’s placed in a bowl with water to absorb it. Then after it is ready, it’s introduced into the pumpkin.

3. The next step is to prepare the flowers to make the arrangement. Cut the flower stems long enough to cover the pumpkin opening.

4. The last step is to arrange the flowers.

Tip! A little advice is that before arranging the flowers, we must prepare the base of the arrangement, using ivy leaves, dusty miller, and leaves.

Going through all the steps described, we will end with a great arrangement to keep or even offer to a loved one.

Good luck!

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